Associates' Panel: “Social Bases of Democratic Governance”


Monday, May 2, 2022, 12:00pm to 1:15pm


Online Only

"Destruction from Above: Long-term Legacies of the Tokyo Air Raids"

Masataka Harada
Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Fukuoka University

"The Life (and Death) of a Party: How Valence and Policy Influence Party Entry and Exit"

Jordan Hamzawi
Postdoctoral Fellow, Program on U.S.-Japan Relations, Harvard University. PhD, Political Science, University of California, Davis

"Distrust of Media and the Rise of Populism"

Yosuke Takashima
Asahi Shimbun
Discussant: Mary Alice Haddad
John E. Andrus Professor of Government; Professor of Environmental Studies; Director, Office of Faculty and Career Development; Chair and Professor of East Asian Studies, Wesleyan University
Moderator: Christina L. Davis
Director, Program on U.S.-Japan Relations; Professor of Government; Susan S. and Kenneth L. Wallach Professor, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University