Funding Opportunities


The Canada Program at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs awards dissertation fellowships to support Harvard graduate students who focus at least half of their dissertation topics on Canada. The dissertation fellowships may be used for students at the research or completion stage. The research fellowships carry stipends of $10,000. GSAS students who will be in their completion year in 2025-2026 will be eligible for a grant equal to the standard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) dissertation completion fellowship stipend, plus facilities fees and individual health insurance. Recipients of these awards become affiliates of the program and are known as Canada Research Fellows.

The Center also awards grants of up to $5,000 for research relating to Canadian studies. These grants are unrestricted and may be used for any research-related expenses, such as travel, data collection, archival work, or interview transcription.

Requests for out-of-cycle support, for nominal amounts designed to assist with unforeseen dissertation research expenses, are welcome and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Proposals with budgets, or general Inquiries, may be sent directly to the Canada Program:

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The Canada Program will award undergraduate thesis research grants of up to $5,000 each for field research in Canada. Recipients of the grants will be named Undergraduate Research Fellows and are expected to present their thesis research at a conference in the spring semester before their theses are due.

Requests for out-of-cycle support for nominal amounts, designed to assist with unforeseen thesis-research expenses, are considered on a case-by-case basis. Inquiries, which will be reviewed and evaluated as needed, should be sent directly to the Canada Program.

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The Canada Program invites proposals from Harvard faculty, departments, and schools across the University, for research funding or for hosting short-term visiting scholars, policy practitioners, and public figures who are engaged in Canadian comparative topics. Visiting Canadianists are welcome to present at Harvard faculty workshops or conferences, or to offer guest lectures for Harvard undergraduate and graduate students.  The Canada Program has supported numerous visits by guests, whose presence on campus contributed to a greater understanding of Canada's role in North America, including Madame Justice Rosalie Abella of Canada's Supreme Court, and Canadian political philosopher, Charles Taylor.

Proposals for funding should include a brief description of the intellectual goals of the short-term visit, a budget, and should be submitted to:

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